Navigation support
Health Match BC works with internationally educated physicians, nurses, and allied healthcare providers and provide one-on-one support through the steps necessary for obtaining licensing and registration in British Columbia, accessing financial supports, and working through the immigration journey.
Navigators work one-to-one with internationally educated physicians, nurses, and allied healthcare providers to support them through the steps necessary for obtaining profession specific regulation, registration, and/or licensing requirements. Navigators are available to answer your questions, provide up-to-date information and guidance on licensing requirements, and connect you to job opportunities across the province.
Our experienced navigation team will guide you through the recruitment process and support you in making a seamless transition to your new job in British Columbia. Our team can:

Register with us today
Register to connect with a B.C. health recruitment specialist, who can give you customized advice based on your profession, credentials, and interests.
Get help navigating licensing and immigration requirements, and start moving your career forward.