
On April 19th, 2022, the Province of British Columbia announced several new strategies that will make it easier for IENs to enter the province’s health system. Health Match BC, in partnership with the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM), Inspire Global Assessments and the BC Ministry of Health, will support IENs who want to work in B.C. by consolidating the assessment processes for nurses, offering approximately $9 million in financial support (bursaries) to help with application and assessment fees, and create a new navigation services team to help IENs successfully navigate the licensing process.  

Yes! British Columbia offers a wide range of nursing opportunities in all areas of nursing practice as well as a variety of settings including large urban centres, medium and small cities, and rural and small communities. 

The wide range of opportunities enable nurses to find the perfect fit for their professional preferences, career growth, and family needs. Opportunities also exist for career development in acute care (medical/surgical, intensive care unit, operating room, and emergency room) as well as ambulatory care, rehabilitation, long-term care, leadership/administrative, public health, community health and primary care.  

Yes, to work in B.C. as a nurse you must have provisional or practicing registration with the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM).  

The licensing (registration) process in B.C. can vary depending on an individual’s education, credentials, and experience.  All IENs must have their international credentials and English language proficiency assessed and apply to Inspire Global Assessments and the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM).  

Most IENs will require a competency assessment, and some will also require transitional education before becoming licensed as a fully practicing nurse. IENs are encouraged to visit the BCCNM and Inspire websites in advance to review the application requirements. 

Inspire Global Assessments (Inspire) is a competency assessment service for nurses (Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, and Licensed Practical Nurses) and health-care assistants seeking licensing (registration) in British Columbia (BC). Inspire reviews the IEN applicant’s credential assessment and English language proficiency and administers a two-part nursing competency assessment (computer-based and simulation-based). This competency assessment evaluates the applicant’s nursing skills, knowledge and practice against competencies required for entry-level practice in B.C. for each specific nursing (or health-care assistant) role.  

As nursing education and practice differ from one country to another, most IENs need to complete the Inspire assessment before the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) makes a registration decision for a nursing license.  

You can apply to BCCNM at the same time as Inspire Global Assessments. IENs are encouraged to visit the BCCNM and Inspire Global Assessments websites in advance to review the application requirements.  

During the Inspire Global Assessments application process you may be asked to provide the results from an acceptable English language proficiency test, either the Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic test. You can learn more about English language requirements here.  

The triple-track assessment will allow internationally educated nurses to have their competencies assessed for three professions – registered nurse, licensed practical nurse and health-care assistant – in a single process. In assessing your competency for multiple professions at once, the triple-track assessment can expand your career options and help you find work faster in British Columbia. You can learn more here.  

Yes. If you have an active referral as an RN or LPN, you can upgrade to the triple-track assessment by contacting Inspire Global Assessments directly.  

The Inspire Global Assessments assessment includes two parts: a Computer-Based Assessment (CBA) and a Simulation Lab Assessment (SLA). For Registered Nurse (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) assessments, the CBA may be completed in a number of Prometric testing centres located in countries around the world. However, the SLA component must be completed in-person in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. For Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN) assessments, both the CBA and SLA assessments are available via remote proctoring.  

An internationally educated nurse will only be referred for a triple-track assessment once they have their international credentials assessed through one of the approved credentialing agencies and they meet the English language proficiency requirements set by BCCNM. Inspire Global Assessments will advise the IEN if they meet all the criteria for triple-track at this time.  

Financial Support

Through Health Match BC, the Province of B.C. will be supporting internationally educated nurses with financial support, in the form of bursaries, to offset some of the costs of becoming licensed to work in B.C..  

The available bursaries apply to any Inspire Global Assessments approved Education Credential Assessment (ECA) report, English language proficiency testing, and educational upgrading required by BCCNM.  

Nurses who reside in B.C. and live at a distance from Vancouver may qualify for a travel stipend to cover costs associated with travel within B.C. to the Inspire Global Assessments site in Vancouver, B.C.. 

ursaries (reimbursements) are available to IENs provided they meet the following criteria and sign a Return of service (ROS) agreement with the BC Ministry of Health:  

  1. NOT currently hold (or have previously held) registration as a nurse in any other province or territory in Canada. PLEASE NOTE: If you register in another Canadian province or territory after you sign an ROS, you will be withdrawn from the program and will be required to repay the Province any bursary amount(s) received. Please refer to the “I am registered or am considering registration in another Canadian jurisdiction” FAQ below.  
  1. B.C. must be the only province or territory you have applied for registration as a nurse. If an applicant has active applications for registration in any other Canadian province or territory, those applications must be withdrawn.  
  1. Have applied for registration with BCCNM (for applications prior to January 31, 2023) or to Inspire Global Assessments (for applications January 31, 2023, and beyond).  
  1. Have a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN). Applicants without a valid SIN may be eligible but will not receive payment until they have a valid Canadian SIN.  
  1. Have incurred costs on or after May 1, 2021, and have or will complete the BCCNM registration process on or after May 1, 2022.  

With a signed ROS agreement and proof of payment, eligible qualifying costs are reimbursed up to the noted bursary maximums.  

Yes, if you currently receive EI, you may still proceed with your bursary application for financial support.  

A valid SIN is not required to apply for the IEN bursary program, but you will need one to receive a bursary payment (reimbursement). If you are not currently residing in Canada and are eligible for the bursaries, you will be reimbursed once you obtain your SIN and Canadian bank account information for direct deposit.  

The English Language Test (ELT) bursary is available for up to two (2) attempts of a BCCNM-accepted test, whether an applicant is successful or not. Funding is up to $400 per test and is based on official receipts from a recognized English Language Proficiency Test. Receipts for tests must be dated on or after May 1, 2021.  

Costs associated with remedial education that is required to obtain BCCNM registration may be reimbursed up to a maximum of $10,000 on a course-by-course or semester-by-semester basis if the costs occurred on or after May 1, 2021. Applicants must provide proof of successful course or semester completion in addition to meeting all other program eligibility requirements.  

IENs who have obtained or will soon obtain LPN registration in B.C. and have an interest to be considered for an RN registration, may be eligible for continued financial support. To be considered, IENs must not have received a bursary for remedial education or been a recipient of funding through the Access to Practical Nursing bursary program. 

To determine eligibility, please contact the Health Match B.C. Navigation team.  

Recipients of the IEN bursary are not eligible for the Employer Sponsored Earn and Learn Programs and/or BC Ministry of Health-related bursaries such as the Priority Program Bursaries and the Internationally Educated Allied Health Professional Bursaries (nor vice versa).

Return to Practice Nursing (RTPN) Bursary

On January 9th, 2023, the Province of British Columbia announced that bursaries would be made available to nurses who wish to return to practice after a prolonged absence (or nurses who have insufficient practice experience at the time of annual registration renewal). These bursaries are intended to provide financial support for required expenses related to supplemental fees and additional evaluation and training costs that may be required in order to obtain practicing registration with the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM). These bursaries are being administered through Health Match BC (HMBC).

The bursary program supports former Canadian (or BC) nurse registrants with financial support, in the form of bursaries to allow them to obtain their practicing registration for B.C. (nurses from other Canadian Provinces) or renew/re-instate their practicing registration if they do not meet the BCCNM renewal requirements, and meet the program criteria (B.C. current and former registrants). 
The available bursaries apply to the Inspire Global Assessments skill evaluation (up to $3,150), and educational upgrading required by the BCCNM (up to $10,000), and BCCNM Re-instatement fee (up to $265 + GST) if applicable. 
Nurses residing in B.C. may qualify for a travel stipend to cover some of the costs associated with travel within B.C. to the Inspire Global Assessments assessment site in Vancouver, B.C. (up to $1,000). Distance conditions will apply. 

Applicants who held a practicing registration in Canada and consolidated their practice (worked) in Canada and do not meet the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) practice hours requirement in their respective designation in the previous five years immediately preceding registration, registration renewal or reinstatement, who are in good standing as defined in the BCCNM Bylaws, and incurred costs after July 15, 2021, are generally eligible for this bursary provided they have not been issued a provisional or full practicing license on or prior to July 15, 2022. 
Which includes applicants seeking to: 

  • Convert their BCCNM registration from non-practicing to practicing; or 
  • Re-instate their former BCCNM practicing registration; or 
  • Register (out of province applicants) for an initial practicing license in their designation (e.g., LPN, RPN or RN) in British Columbia. 

To be eligible for financial support (bursaries), a Canadian-trained nurse must meet all criteria below: 

  • Applied and paid BCCNM reinstatement/application fees. 
  • Complete RTPN application and submit required documentation. 
  • Sign a Return of Service agreement with the BC Ministry of Health (administered by Health Match BC) and 
  • Confirm that British Columbia is the only province or territory that the applicant has applied for registration or reinstatement as a nurse. If the applicant has active applications for registration in other Canadian provinces or territories, those applications must be withdrawn. 

Eligible RTPNs are reimbursed for the qualifying costs incurred up to the noted bursary maximum with proof of payment and/or proof of required need through the BCCNM. 

Yes, if you currently receive EI, you may still proceed with your bursary application for financial support. 

Costs associated with remedial education to obtain your BCCNM registration, renewal, reinstatement, or conversion to practicing status may be reimbursed up to a maximum of $10,000 if the costs were incurred on or after July 15, 2021. 

Costs associated with Inspire Global Assessments and remedial education required by the BCCNM that were incurred after July 15, 2021 are eligible for reimbursement, given the applicant had not been issued a provisional or full practicing license on or prior to July 15, 2022. 

Yes, if you have been issued a BCCNM decision letter directing you to take the Inspire Global Assessments assessment and/or remedial education. Supporting documentation will be required. 

Yes, upon completion of the ROS Period, you will need to submit a letter to the province from your employer(s) confirming the ROS Period has been completed in full by contacting to request an ROS Fulfillment Confirmation Form. 

Return of Service (ROS) Agreement

The Return of Service agreement (ROS) is an agreement between you and the Province of British Columbia (B.C.) that you will commit to complete 12 months of continuous service with a publicly funded health sector employer within B.C. within six months following receipt of your provisional or full nursing registration from the BCCNM or registration with the B.C. Care Aide & Community Health Worker Registry) whichever is the highest designation you are pursuing though the program. This ROS is in exchange for accepting financial supports. The ROS period is extended to two years if the IEN obtains employment of 0.5 FTE (part-time) or less, and it will also be extended during absences. The ROS commitment would pause during non-working periods. 

Publicly funded health sector employers (also referred to as Qualifying Employers) include regional health boards designated under section 4(1) of the Health Authorities Act or Provincial Health Services Authority (collectively a “Health Authority”), First Nations Health Authority or Providence Health Care OR, at long-term care or assisted living  facility, private or public, as long as the facility is publicly funded. Qualified employers EXCLUDE contract agencies supplying staffing solutions to eligible facilities. 

Qualifying Employers EXCLUDE contract agencies supplying staffing solutions to eligible facilities. 

If you cannot complete your return of service and voluntarily leave your Qualifying Employer(s) during the ROS period, you will be required to repay the Province the amount of the bursary that is proportional to the percentage of the ROS period that has not been completed. 

IENs are encouraged to contact the BC Ministry of Health if they have additional questions at 

No, employment with a publicly funded health employer (EXCLUDING contract agencies supplying staffing solutions to eligible facilities) within B.C. will qualify for your return of service. For further information, refer to What is the Return of Service (ROS)? 

There are many job opportunities available across the province. Health Match B.C. will provide assistance in finding a suitable position, and you are required to make your best effort to find a qualifying position. 

If six months have elapsed since licensure or registration and you are still unable to secure employment to meet the ROS requirements, please contact

Once you have achieved your highest designation and have started employment in a qualifying position, you will need to submit a form to the Ministry of Health from your employer(s) confirming the ROS Period has commenced using the IEN Return of Service Commencement Form: Proof of Employment Form. You should submit the form as soon as possible following your employment start date. For more information and to obtain a form, please contact the Province at  

Yes, however, if you resign from your job with a Qualifying Employer(s) during the ROS period, you will need to provide at least two weeks advance notification from your end date. In addition, you will be required to notify of changes to your employment to minimize disruption to the completion of your ROS term. 

You can concurrently hold and work in multiple qualifying part-time positions; however, casual employment does not fulfill the requirements for the ROS agreement. 

The FTE (full-time equivalent) for each Qualifying Position will be added together to calculate the FTE.If your position is 0.5 FTE (part-time) or less, your ROS period will be extended to two years. 

Yes, however, your ROS period will be extended if a leave of absence is greater than 20 days (other than authorized vacation from the employer).

No, you must complete your ROS with a publicly funded health employer within B.C. and repay the proportionate amount of the bursary based on the remaining time left on your ROS. 

If you are registered or have ever been registered as a nurse in another Canadian province or territory, you are not eligible for this program. If you register in another Canadian province or territory after you sign a ROS agreement, you will be in breach of the agreement. You will be withdrawn from the program and required to repay the Province any bursary amount(s) received. 

Yes, upon completion of the ROS period, you will need to submit a from to the Ministry of Health from your employer(s) confirming the ROS period has been completed in full using the Return of Service Fulfillment Confirmation Form. For more information, please contact the Ministry of Health at