On July 19, 2022, the Province of British Columbia announced $4.5 million in bursary funding to support high priority internationally educated allied health professionals (IEAHPs) that want to work in B.C.’s health-care system. This program will be administered by Health Match BC (HMBC) and will be designed to recruit allied health professionals to the public sector. HMBC acts in an advisory capacity to support IEAHPs throughout their journey to practise in B.C., Canada.

A bursary of up to $13,204 CAD, plus applicable taxes, is available to assist internationally educated medical laboratory technologists (IEMLTs) with the costs associated with becoming certified to work in B.C. HMBC, in partnership with the BC Ministry of Health (MoH) will support eligible IEMLTs who want to work in B.C. by offering financial support to help pay for costs associated with credential assessment, English language proficiency testing, refresher, subject-specific or comprehensive courses, and optional bridging education

What is the process for Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists?

In B.C., general Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) must have certification with the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) in order to practice as MLTs. For IEMLTs to work in B.C., the process begins through CSMLS, where the IEMLT will complete a required online Self-Assessment (OSA) to assess basic level knowledge about medical laboratory practice and identify knowledge gaps. After, the IEMLT will submit a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) for evaluation and review. The PLA process has three (3) stages: 1) Pre-assessment, 2) Assessment, and 3) Post-Assessment. The CSMLS will review an IEMLT’s theoretical and clinical (practicum/internship) education, clinical work experience, academic credentials, and English or French language proficiency. Participants should follow the detailed instructions provided on the CSMLS website and in the most recent version of the CSMLS Prior Learning Assessment Medical Laboratory Technologist Information Handbook.

After reviewing the PLA, the CSMLS will provide the IEMLT with one of three possible responses:

The IEMLT’s education, experience and credentials have been deemed not equivalent to the CSMLS MLT Competency Profile and the IEMLT must take a full, recognized equal MLT training program in Canada in order to practice as an MLT.

Note: Applicants who are deemed as Not Recognized are not eligible for the IEMLT Bursary program past the initial online Self-Assessment and PLA reimbursements.

The IEMLT is assigned a Technical Report Learning Plan (Learning Plan) and will need to enroll in assigned subject specific, refresher, or comprehensive courses before becoming eligible to challenge the CSMLS MLT Certification exam. IEMLTs may choose to enroll in a bridging program or clinical placement to meet Learning Plan objectives, however these must first be approved by CSMLS.

The IEMLT’s education and credentials have been deemed equivalent to the CSMLS MLT Competency Profile, they are issued an exam eligibility statement, and they are eligible to challenge the CSMLS MLT Certification exam immediately.

Once an IEMLT has satisfied any assigned Learning Plan requirements, or was initially CSMLS Recognized, they will receive an exam eligibility statement and must successfully challenge the CSMLS MLT Certification exam. There is a maximum of three exam attempts allowed, and exam eligibility status is valid for 12 months after the date of issue. If the IEMLT is not successful on their first exam attempt, they must complete their second attempt within 12 months of initial exam eligibility. If the IEMLT is not successful on their second exam attempt, they will be placed into a Re-establishing Eligibility Learning Plan which must be completed before they can attend their third and final exam attempt.

Bursary amounts that may be available to the Participant, as applicable, relating to the IEMLT credentialing and certification process. All amounts are contingent on a signed ROS.

Certification Process Steps Eligible for Bursary ProgramBursary AmountRequirements for Reimbursement
Online Self-Assessment (OSA) through CSMLS$60 CAD plus applicable taxesUpon proof of payment to HMBC.
Application for CSMLS Prior Learning AssessmentUp to $1,850 CAD
(PLA Stage 1 Fee: $975)
(PLA Stage 2 Fee: $875)
Upon proof of payment for Participants who have submitted a PLA to CSMLS and are waiting for the results. A positive result letter (e.g., a Technical Report stating Learning Plan requirements or granting Exam Eligibility) from CSMLS is also required for Participants who have already completed the PLA with CSMLS.

IEMLTs who have previously paid PLA Stage 1 Fee may be eligible for reimbursement of this cost, in addition to reimbursement of their PLA Stage 2 fee.
Credential Evaluation (WES or ICES)$269 CAD plus applicable taxesReimbursement can occur upon completion and proof of payment provided to HMBC.
English Language Proficiency (ELP) testing if required for credentialing or certification processUp to $800 CADAfter proof of payment for CSMLS assessment. The ELP test bursary is available for up to two (2) attempts of a CSMLS accepted test, whether an applicant is successful or not. Funding is up to $400 CAD per test and is based on official receipts and completion of testing from a recognized English Language Proficiency Test.
Refresher, Subject-Specific Courses and/or
Comprehensive Courses Required by CSMLS (as outlined in Learning Plan)
Up to $3,000 CAD
Courses range in cost and length, and students may need to take several to meet their Learning Plan requirements.
Upon proof of payment, copy of assigned Learning Plan, and course completion submitted to HMBC.
IEMLT Bridging Program offered by the Michener Institute (Optional, possible alternative to taking courses noted in the IEMLT’s Learning Plan)$6,200 CADReimbursement can occur with proof of payment and course completion provided to HMBC, and upon commencement of the ROS with a Qualifying Employer. The applicant must submit the Province’s Return of Service Commencement Form
Travel bursary for optional in-person IEMLT Bridging Program offered by the Michener Institute.Up to a $1,000 CAD travel subsidy to fund travel costs for out-of-town applicantReimbursement can occur with proof of payment and course completion provided to HMBC, proof of address, and upon commencement of the ROS with a Qualifying Employer. The applicant must submit the Province’s Return of Service Commencement Form.
Maximum eligible bursary amount (with maximum education bursary amount and travel subsidy):$13,204 CAD plus applicable taxes

Note: Travel subsidies are calculated using estimated ferry costs and fuel consumption based on distance travelled from an applicant’s primary residence in B.C.

Bursary participants who are somewhere along the pathway to certification with CSMLS can submit receipts for eligible expenses incurred on or after July 19, 2022. To be eligible for the Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists (IEMLTs) Bursary through HMBC, applicants must:

Apply for the IEMLT Bursary by registering for an account with HMBC.

Provide proof of a college or university diploma or degree from a medical laboratory technologist program from a country other than Canada.

Apply for the Canadian Society of Medicine Laboratory Science (CSMLS) Prior Learning Assessment (PLA).

If you have already completed the CSMLS PLA, you may be eligible for reimbursement:

  • Provide HMBC with a copy of the receipt showing the PLA application fee for the assessment has been paid and a CSMLS Technical Report, indicating your experience and education is deemed equivalent to the CSMLS MLT Competency Profile, or your experience and education is deemed partially equivalent to the CSMLS MLT Competency Profile, and you have been assigned a Learning Plan. Note: Reimbursement for the CSMLS Fee requires receipts showing the fee has dated on or after July 19, 2022, and a result letter has been issued.

Submit receipts of payment for:

  • Credential evaluations from World Education Services-Canada (WES) or International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES).
  • Online Self-Assessment (OSA) Note: MLT PLA applicants are required to complete the OSA before applying for the PLA.
  • English Language Proficiency (ELP) Testing.
    • Note: HMBC will only accept language proficiency tests accepted by CSMLS for the purpose of the assessment process:
      • Michener English Language Assessment (MELA)
      • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) iBT
      • International English Language Testing System Academic (IELTS AC)
      • International English Language Testing System General Training (IELTS GT)

  • Refresher and Subject-Specific Courses Required by CSMLS – Outlined on the Learning Plan
    • Note: HMBC will reimburse for assigned coursework on the TRLP only. Courses or Medical Laboratory Technologist programs taken prior to receiving a TRLP CANNOT be counted towards fulfilling any requirement identified in a TRLP. The costs for remedial education will be reimbursed once the course(s)/semesters have been paid to the educational institution and when the IEMLT can provide proof of successful course completion. Applicants must submit proof of payment and successful course completion for individual course(s).
  • IEMLT Bridging Program offered by the Michener Institute – Optional
    • Note: The costs for the eligible MLT bridging program at Michener Institute with out-of-province in-person component will be reimbursed once the applicants submit proof of payment and course completion, and commences the ROS with a Qualifying Employer by submitting the Province’s Return of Service Commencement Form.